Game Marketing Tips, Analysis, and News

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Android Growing

The Android Market clearly skews to free apps.
It's not news that the Android market is growing faster than the iOS market; after all, Android is the #1 smartphone these days, in terms of market share. What's interesting, according to this recently released study, is that the Apple App Store attracted nearly 24,000 developers between August of 2010 and February of 2011. During the same period the Android Market attracted about 4,000 developers. The numbers of developers grew by about the same percentage in both markets; 48% in the Apple market versus 40% in the Android market.

Interestingly, Android developers created an average of 6.6 apps, whereas iOS developers had an average of 4.8 apps. Perhaps this makes up a bit for the smaller number of developers...

Clearly developers prefer the Apple environment, at least so far. Perhaps it's because paid apps are more popular, and developers have found ads aren't yet as lucrative a way to monetize your app. The entire article is worth a look, as it contains more useful information about advertising on both platforms.

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