Game Marketing Tips, Analysis, and News

Monday, May 30, 2011

Discounted Digital Distribution

You do have to wonder where some of these names come from.
One of the great advantages of the internet is using it to search for discounts before you go to buy something. Now, of course, there are many tools for doing that for ordinary purchases. Digital distribution is not being left out, either, as a website called ShockedFish lines up the best deals on digitally distributed titles.You can search for discounted titles by a number of parameters, such as discount % or Metacritic ranking or type of game.

Good news for consumers, but maybe not such good news for developers? I tend to think that the big problem these days is getting your game found by someone, and this is another way to help. You still have to be in control of your pricing, and it's a good idea not to let pricing dictate your marketing. If cutting your price is the only way you think you have to get your games in the hands of customers, you may have already lost the war. Sure, smartphone titles seem to be involved in a race to find out how low pricing can go... but if you start out at free you can never excite interest by discounting.

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